Webinar- Impervious Surface Analysis to Create a Storm Water Utility Fee Presentation for the GIS Consortium

Maintaining infrastructure in your community does not come with a low price tag, and it is an integral part of the services you provide to your residents.  Utility systems in particular top of the list in terms of high dollar capital investments, as they require frequent maintenance, upgrades, and replacement.  To help defray some of these costs, several communities have chosen to create a storm water utility fee to support the ongoing maintenance of their storm water systems.

Leaders from four of our GIS Consortium communities including Mike Reynolds from Buffalo Grove, Manny Gomez from Highland Park, Brian Smith from Wheeling and Steve Saunders from Winnetka will present on how they approached this project.  Please join us for this webinar to learn from their collective expertise.

What you will learn:

  • What each community set out to accomplish
  • What was the final outcome achieved
  • Obstacles encountered along the way and how they were resolved
  • What these leaders would do differently if they could do it all over again

We look forward to your participation and feedback. Please forward to whoever you think might be interested.