Shared Infrastructure

Shared Assets

All intellectual property developed by the GIS Consortium, its members, and its service providers is owned by its members.  Member programs are continually evolving as new solutions emerge to address common challenges.  Within the GIS Consortium, these innovations are actively shared.

The GIS Consortium provides an array of solutions that members can implement and add to—standards, applications, training, and shared procurements.  The Board routinely identifies opportunities where cost and operation efficiencies can be improved by the organization.  Once these improvements are identified, the members cooperatively develop the solution.

Although every community within the GIS Consortium is unique, many of their needs are similar.  These common-denominator traits are where the GIS Consortium focuses its resources.


The Azure solution was implemented in 2014 with the initial focus on shared remote access service (RAS) machines, shared ArcGIS licensing for members choosing this solution, and redundancy of services in the event of server failure.