Data Portal: Self-Empowered Public

Start the clock! Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), communities are required to quickly respond to requests from the public which strains already limited resources. Learn how the Village of Oak Park is innovating their FIOA process.

Modernizing Risk Management

A call that every local government leader dreads is that a claim has been filed against the community. Learn how the Village of Libertyville is modernizing their playground inspection process.


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Analyzing Revenue Opportunities with GIS

Finance Departments across the GIS Consortium are increasingly using GIS to support their processes and goals. In this meeting we will:

1) Demonstrate several ways GIS is helping with revenue generation, analysis, and planning using examples with Sales Taxes, Business Licenses, Vehicle Stickers, and Utility Replacement Cost Forecasting.

2) Discuss other ideas you have about how GIS can support you.

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Lead Service Collaboration

Last year MGP hosted collaboration meetings inviting communities to discuss and learn from one another about managing the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act. Since our last meeting, communities have submitted their latest water service inventory and enhancements were made to the GIS Consortium’s inventory tools.

In this session we will:

1) Reinforce what tools and resources are available for water service inventories.
2) Collaborate with other communities on actions you all are taking to comply with the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act.
3) Discover what additional tools you will need to improve your inventory and replacement processes.


Letter Examples

Lead Service Inventory Good Practices

Webinar Slides


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Webinar – Lead Service Inventory Collaboration

In October we hosted a meeting to understand how communities were managing their lead service inventory and highlight solutions around the GIS Consortium. In that meeting we decided that it would benefit communities to revisit this topic and continue learning from one another.

In this session we will:

1) Highlight upcoming changes to your GISC Lead Service Inventory based on member feedback.

2) Collaborate with other communities on actions you all are taking to comply with the Lead Service Inventory and Replacement Act.

3) Discover what additional tools you will need to improve your inventory and replacement processes.


Lead Service Inventory Good Practices

Inventory Process

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Webinar – Overcome Hurdles with Community-Portal (Admin, Finance, and IT)

With critical information housed in numerous systems, using different interfaces and access requirements, your team faces unnecessary hurdles to answer questions and complete their work.


In this webinar, we will show how Community-Portal solves this problem by bringing your staff the specific information they need, no matter in which system the data resides. Come and learn how Community-Portal shines as the most flexible standard solution we offer members!


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Webinar – Overcome Hurdles with Community-Portal (Public Safety)

With critical information housed in numerous systems, using different interfaces and access requirements, your team faces unnecessary hurdles to answer questions and complete their work.


In this webinar, we will show how Community-Portal solves this problem by bringing your staff the specific information they need, no matter in which system the data resides. Come and learn how Community-Portal shines as the most flexible standard solution we offer members!

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Webinar – Overcome Hurdles with Community-Portal (Community and Economic Development)

With critical information housed in numerous systems, using different interfaces and access requirements, your team faces unnecessary hurdles to answer questions and complete their work.


In this webinar, we will show how Community-Portal solves this problem by bringing your staff the specific information they need, no matter in which system the data resides. Come and learn how Community-Portal shines as the most flexible standard solution we offer members!


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Webinar – Overcome Hurdles with Community-Portal (Public Works and Engineering)

With critical information housed in numerous systems, using different interfaces and access requirements, your team faces unnecessary hurdles to answer questions and complete their work.


In this webinar, we will show how Community-Portal solves this problem by bringing your staff the specific information they need, no matter in which system the data resides. Come and learn how Community-Portal shines as the most flexible standard solution we offer members!

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Webinar – Lead Service Inventory

In August, Governor Pritzker signed into law the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act. The Act requires owners and operators of community water supplies to develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive water service line material inventory and replacement plan.

In this webinar we will:
1) Highlight the GIS Consortium’s Lead Service Inventory solution
2) Discover what additional tools could help your efforts


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